The first of multiple episodes on Nymeria of the Rhoynar. Foreshadowing for ASOIAF via the rise & fall of the Rhoynar; includes: greyscale, Darkstar, water wizards, the Water Gardens of Dorne, Volantis, dragons and much more. Special thanks to Michal Schick of Vassals of Kingsgrave podcast and Hypable for the voices.
UPDATE: HBO is now developing a Nymeria series with the working title Ten Thousand Ships. Hopefully it makes it to series. In the interim, check out Ash’s Nymeria spinoff pitch from 2017.
“This is Ny Sar, where the Mother gathers in her Wild Daughter, Noyne,” said Yandry, “but she will not reach her widest point until she meets her other daughters. At Dagger Lake the Qhoyne comes rushing in, the Darkling Daughter, full of gold and amber from the Axe and pine-cones from the Forest of Qohor. South of there the Mother meets Lhorulu, the Smiling Daughter from the Golden Fields. Where they join once stood Chroyane, the festival city, where the streets were made of water and the houses made of gold.
Then south and east again for long leagues, until at last comes creeping in Selhoru, the Shy Daughter who hides her course in reeds and writhes. There Mother Rhoyne waxes so wide that a man upon a boat in the center of the stream cannot see a shore to either side. You shall see, my little friend.” – Tyrion IV, ADWD

Rhoynar and Nymeria Images
Tanselle Too-Tall by Eliyadoodles (left) & Hong-Ara (right) Old Man of the River by Klaradox Areo Hotah by hubsher Rhoynar Cities Rhoyne (Nymeria) Tyrion’s Journey (Klaradox) Rhoyne and the Trident (Klaradox) Selhoru to Westeros Andalos (Klaradox) Cities (Klaradox) Volantis (Klaradox) Norvos (Klaradox) Qohor (Klaradox) Ar Noy and the Sorrows (Klaradox) Bridge of Dream (Klaradox) Andalos and Valyria (Klaradox) Volantis (Klaradox) Mouths of the Rhoyne (Klaradox) Sarhoy (Klaradox) Chroyane (Klaradox) Sar Mell (Klaradox)