We look at this most ancient of cities, Asshai, the legend of Azor Ahai, and the origin of dragons. Are they all connected? Guest Lucifer Means Lightbringer joins us. Asshai is one of the most mysterious locations in the series, if not the most mysterious. There is a lot to talk about here. Let’s get into it!
Michael Klarfeld (Klaradox) created our new introduction. dutchmogul created the cyvasse pieces. Joey Townsend did our intro music, as you all know by now, and Ash did the video editing.

And so we come, nearly, to the end of the world. Or, at least, the end of our knowledge. Easternmost and southernmost of the great cities of the known world, the ancient port of Asshai stands at the end of a long wedge of land, on the point where the Jade Sea meets the Saffron Straits. Its origins are lost in the mists of time. Even the Asshai’i do not claim to know who built their city. They will say only that a city has stood here since the world began and will stand here until it ends. Few places in the known world are as remote as Asshai, and fewer are as forbidding.
The dark city by the Shadow is a city steeped in sorcery. Warlocks, wizards, alchemists, moonsingers, red priests, black alchemists, necromancers, aeromancers, pyromancers, bloodmages, torturers, inquisitors, poisoners, godswives, night-walkers, shapechangers, worshippers of the Black Goat and the Pale Child and the Lion of Night, all find welcome in Asshai-by-the-Shadow, where nothing is forbidden. Here they are free to practice their spells without restraint or censure, conduct their obscene rites, and fornicate with demons if that is their desire.
The City
Travelers tell us that the city is built entirely of black stone: halls, hovels, temples, palaces, streets, walls, bazaars, all. Some say as well that the stone of Asshai has a greasy, unpleasant feel to it, that it seems to drink the light, dimming tapers and torches and hearth fires alike. The nights are very black in Asshai, all agree. Even the brightest days of summer are somehow grey and gloomy.
Q: [Will we see Asshai?]
– GRRM, SSM, 2008
A: Only in flashback and memory, if at all.