Our joint coverage of the Dance of the Dragons with our friends at Radio Westeros continues. You can find part 1 in this series here; there, we covered the events that led up to the Dance of the Dragons. Part 3 can be found here. In this episode, we cover the taking of Harrenhal by Prince Daemon, the Battle of the Burning Mill, the Pact of Ice and Fire, the tragedy at Storm’s End, Blood & Cheese, the Battle of Rook’s Rest, the Rise of Criston Cole and so much more! And by more, we mean more tragedy! So let’s dig in.
Even as he spoke, the Dance began. On Driftmark, the Sea Snake’s ships set sail from Hull and Spicetown to close the Gullet, choking off trade to and from King’s Landing. Soon after, Jacaerys Velaryon was flying north upon his dragon, Vermax, his brother Lucerys south on Arrax, whilst Prince Daemon rode Caraxes to the Trident.

The Dance of the Dragons entered a new stage after the death of Lucerys Velaryon in the stormlands and the murder of Prince Jaehaerys before his mother’s eyes in the Red Keep. For both the blacks and the greens, blood called to blood for vengeance. And all across the realm, lords called their banners, and armies gathered and began to march.
Dance of the Dragons Images
To characterize the dark, turbulent, bloody doings of this period as a “dance” strikes us as grotesquely inappropriate. No doubt the phrase originated with some singer. “The Dying of the Dragons” would be altogether more fitting, but tradition, time, and Grand Maester Munkun have burned the more poetic usage into the pages of history, so we must dance along with the rest.