These individuals make the show possible with their stalwart support via Patreon.
Dragonlord Marc of House Joseph, the Snow in Winterfell, rider of Mazzalicartho: a white dragon with green scales, horns, wings and talons.
Peers of the Realm
Our Hand of the King is a baseborn manjack, literally just a drunken spearman, gods help us…
Lord Jim the Fortuitous of Wars & Politics of Ice & Fire Blog (Find it here!) & Warden of the West
Kaboth the Unfrozen, Lord of the Bricks & Castle Crimson Light, Defender of the Old Gods & Warden of the North
The Elite from Outside the Realm
Pirate Queen Cary, a Storm of Secrets of the Sea, Captain-Queen of “Depth Feeder” which has sent countless ships to the bottom of the sea
Jenny the Just, Captain of the ghost ship “Liberty”, which vanished in the Shivering Sea over a century ago, but has recently been sighted near Volantis… if the tales can be believed
White Walkers
Nevada Pyke, Fourth of Frost, Frost Kraken, Drowned in Ice, Commander of Cats and Krakens
The Small Council
Lord Chris B of House Baelish, “Always Keep Your Foes Confused”, Master of Whisperers
Drowned Dan, Lord of House Windsor. Master of Karate, Friendship for Everyone and Ships
Lord Goodkill McGee, Ruler of Castle Over Yonder, Master of Laws
Grand Maester Scotty
Lords & Ladies in their Castles
Lady Direliz of Castle Gnocchi, the Alpha Patron
Gregor the Toasty, Lord of the Breadfort
The Bastard of the Wolfswood, First Forester of the Old Gods – sworn to House Ironweirwood, “Listen for the Silence”
Lady Maura Of House Stark, Archmistress of Apothecaries and Woods Witch. Her castle features weirwood doors w/painted moons
Laena Snow, “The Twilight-Star”, bastard daughter of Dayne, wife of The Trickster, and Lady of Castle Rivia
Amynda Pinkwolf, Lady and Ruler of Castle Whitefast, “The Ice Emboldens”
Lord Benjen of House Hornwood
Lady Rebeca Stark of Castle Aurora, wielder of a weirwood bow with Valyrian steel-tipped arrows and friend of Short Round the Direwolf
Aurelian Matthaeus Rheseus, Lord of House Aurelian, ruler of Domus Aurelianis and the Valley of Tanasi, wielder of Sol Invictus (valyrian steel?), keeper of the largest collection of books outside the Citadel, “We Restore the World”
Lord Derrian the Daring, Wielder of the Valyrian steel sword Wisdom, Lord of House Hollingsworth and the HolliHold in Dorne, “Power In Knowledge”
Gabe the Jade Blade, whose foes are skewered and grilled
Lady Marya of House Hightree, Lady of the Castle FairOak on the Crooked Lake. Sigil is a long grapevine with dark green leaves and purple grapes winding around a gray stone pillar, on a white field bordered by gold; motto is “Ever Watchful”
Lord Abulurd of House Harkonnen
Queen’s High Council
Grand-Archmaester Renny, whose rod & ring & mask are quartz crystal, wielder of the Valyrian steel pen Fire and Ink
Lady Wolfbird, Mistress of the Eastern Rivers, Gatekeeper of the Northern Skies, Daughter of the Silver Sea and Master of Coin
DeVoralyn Blackwood, maker of the Frozen Fury muscle balm: Eucalyptus & Mint leaves, washed w/Dornish peppers and sealed by Fire Ants, Master of Laws
Lady Jane of Driftmark, Guardian of Dragonstone, “The Circling Flame Burns”, Master of Ships
Lady Sónia of Sunspear, Keeper of the Martell Menagerie, Master of Castle Tormeera Topanga, “Tame and Keep Well”, Master of Whisperers
Queen of Love and Beauty
From the depths of Flea Bottom, Lord Ken of House Hammer has declared for Queen Kari, Fire of the North, who recovered Dark Sister from Beyond the Wall
Ser Deane the White, Knight of the Black Star
Ser Bateman the Dark Knight
Lady Ani, Bringer of Winter’s Warning, Watcher in the Weirwood, Bearer of Wrist-Wolves
Lord Jonathan of House Tanner
Lord Raidetto of House Avocado, Protector of the Royal Kitchens, “Green in the Morning, Dark by Evening”
Lady Katie, Cat Herder of Toebean Terrace and Royal Feline Advisor
Lord Captain-Commander Haema Helminth, the Sellsword Sentinel
James the Green, Lord of the Meadows, Keeper of the Trial of Grasses
Archmaester Vaena, whose ring, rod & mask are made of steel, not pudding
Lauraborous, the Lady of Infinity
Lord Commander George the Golden
Lady Rita of the Coppermane, the Unbound, “Dance the Fervor”
Bloody Ben Blackwood
Big Brian Blackwood
Daven Mac, Knight of the Reeds, the Bog Knight
Maesters of the Citadel and other Wise Ones
Archmaester John the Just
Archmaester Civilization Ex (check out Civilization Ex on YouTube)
Treegirl of House Glade – We Speak For the Trees
Ser Taran of House Dallben
Daena the Dreamy, Witch of the Dark Teutonic Woods
Ennovy, Shadowbinder from the Eastern Mountains and Lakes
The Maid of the Silver Spring
Archmaester Jason, Heretic of the Citadel
Archmaester Hox of House Zarkon (Knowledge is Power)
Woods Witch El
Jake the Fifth
Maester-in-Exile Meredith, Sage of the Jade Sea
Archmaester Halloran, Silver linked Guardian of the Histories
Noros of Thenn, Archmaester of Skinchangers, Speaker of Beasts
Moonsinger Sarai, Keeper of the Door
Archmaester Tym, Keeper of the Wills of the Dead
Archmaester Orion, Keeper of the Tardigrades
Maester Prax of Gany Meade
Ellwyn of House Heisler
Archmaester Nacho
Leamora the Lorekeeper
Lady Silverwing
The Black Ash of House Reed wielder of the Quarter Staff Fraxinus Nigra
Ricky Alebelly of house Bell, motto: “Ring the Bell”
House Azurah of Elsweyr, “Touch Not a Catt Bot a Barge”
Lord Fabian Flowers, the Bastard of Greenshield
Lady Priscilla of the White Spear
Ser Gladworth of Blackpath, the Knight of Fangs and the Sword of the Way
Anne the Wood Witch of the Chilcotin Cariboo
Maester Glen of Thrasher Glen
Maester Beatriz, Valyrian Steel Lore-Keeper
Maester Guil of Skyreach
Maester Juliet
Lady Star-Eyes of House Falyn
Daelena Sand
Petyr Pebble
Archmaester Steffon the Studious
Cindinista, Capturer and Guardian of Images, Be They Fleeting or Momentous
Amanda, First Archmaestress of the Citadel, Keeper of the Valyrian Steel Torque Wrench “Properly Calibraeted”
Maester Worlem, Keeper of the Great Myrish Eye, “Dark Nights, Clear Skies”
The Stark Bitch, Kissed by Fire
Mother of Cats, whose sigil is a 3-headed Ragdoll Cat
Lady Mays Mormont
Maesster Rincewind, Egregious Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geography
Dame Alys of the Hiltless Sword, Mistress of Blood and Bone
Kallista of House Blackwood, Woods Witch of the Whispering Wood
Alyne House of Onelle, Keeper of Celeste and Moonlight
Master Minitor of House Gardener “Our Grass is Always Greener”
Outlaw Owen the Red-Robed Rogue
Erryck Manderly, the Crimson Fox of Cape Wrath
Grant of Hawksight, Watcher of the Gods Eye
Ser Emerson of Sea Dragon Point, Keeper of Trees, “Warmth in Frost”
Halfmaester Markwyn, Flea Bottom Chirurgeon
Archmaester Roche
Shelley of House Francie, Purveyor of Knowledge and Friend to Animals, “LIving Our Best Life”
Ser Samwell of House Jensen, the Bear of White Harbor “No Rest til Winter”
Sellsword Captains
Haema Helminth, Captain of the Whispering Children, “Dead Men Tell No Secrets”
Shepard, the Shepard of Essos, “All Men are Sheep Before the Shepard”, heir to the Whispering Children
Lady Laxara Da Xho – the Iron Lily, Master Archer, Castellan of the Summer Island Keep Arboreal Pointe, Captain of the (All Female) Wailing Widows, “Women and Children First”
Lord Brandon Brewer of Castle Blackrune, Captain of the Shadow Wolves, “Our Steel is Cold, Our Vengeance, Colder”
Maester Malachi, forgotten dragonseed from the Isle of Driftmark, now in service to House Harlaw
Stives the White, Captain of the Hopeful Patriots, a band of exile Knights, motto: “The World Ends When Hope Dies”
Ironborn Captains
Black Matos Stormrider, Captain of the “Rusted Hinge”
Lord Chucklaz, Captain of the dromond “Nightblood”, Destroyer of Evil
Aileen, Archer Queen-Captain of the “Border Collie”
Katherine the Cruel, Captain of the “Kraken’s Claw”
Lana Del R’lyeh Death-Dreamer, Captain of the Cyclopean Call
Nadia Storm, Mother of Wyrms & Wyverns, Captain of the “Stygian Darkness”
Hara Darkcharm, known as Lady Bad Luck, Captain of “The Black Cat” and prowler of the seas
Lydia the Drowner aka Lydia the Kraken, Captain of “Green Smile”, a longship decorated with the rotting skulls of dead foes
Your Secret Targaryen, Captain of “Boricua Matcheteros”
Northern Champions
JWilson WintersKing
Winter’s King, Lord of the First Men
Lady Ayr Ardross, Mother of Wolves, wielder of the Valyrian steel claymore “Manticore”
Jake Snow aka Jacob Ice Eyes, the Bastard of The Last River
Lady Bobbi of House Mitchell
Gandalf the Wight, Lord of House Seamourn
Adelard the Wanderer, wielder of the Valyrian steel axe “Frostfall”
The Bittersteel
Aaron Snow, the Evergreen Bastard, who made a vow to defend the North with his weirwood-handled axe “Timberfell”
Toney of House Whalawitsa, a family of War Scouts, “We Scout the Way”
Ser Petyr, Knight of the Gallowswood
Lyanna Snow, the Raven in Winter
Followers of the Seven
Mallory Sand, Witch of the Storm, Wolfrider of Zulfric the black beast
Ser Aeron of Blacktyde, Knight of the Jade Wave
ScottAlexander, the Prince of Dragonflies
Favored Ani of Stoney Sept aka Ani the Graceful
Lady Dilsdale, the Starspear of Crescent Hill, Mistress of the Dornish Marches
Drugar, Mad Dog of the Northern Fjords
Myrt, Champion of Skagos, wielder of the Valyrian steel club: Dragon Tail “All Men Must Eat”
Two Ravens
Marcus Dalt of Lemonwood, the Puckering Prince
Sworn Swords
Ser Eric Coldiron
Dolorous of the Dour Demeanor
Dagron, Marshall of the Axe, Captain of the Red Tide, “Resistance is Futile.”
Ser Chris of the Golden Gate
Ser Josua Seventides
Ser Daniel Blacksilk of House Webber
Ser Clason Sixfingers
Yngrith, the Scorpion of Salt Shore
Lady Andrea Blackstone of R’lyeh, Mistress of Tides
Galby of Cerwyn, the Paleblade
Pat of Longleaf
Game of Owns
Captain Louis, The Merchant Prince “When men see his sales, they pay”
Cisara Tomespeaker
Ser Sandstorm of Lakengard
Lord Brandon Slate, The North’s Hammer, Harbinger of the Old Gods
Ninea of Asshai, called “Firepalm”
Lady Tanya of House Allen, Wardeness of the Northeast Dallas Lochs and Woods & Mistress of Books
The Paladin
Ser PJ of House Moon, a warrior-bard wielding the Valyrian Steel 6-string (still loyal to the One True King)
Ser Jack ‘the Piebane’ Manderly
Maera, Woods Witch of the Weirwood Grove, sworn to Shepard of the Whispering Children
Sara of New House aka “Red Basque”
Wiliam, Earl of Loxley
Lady May of House Lawson
Joshua of House Norton, “A Dream of King”
Cotter Goodbarrel, Seer through Glass Candles, Mage of Asshai
Lady Chelsea, the Blonde Wolf, Mistress of the Western Slope
Rickard the Regal of House Grimlock, “Victory Has No Room for the Weak”
Ser Jorgen of Bloodstone, the Night-Knight
Fair Kat the Provider, called Lady Bakes
Ser Glennon of House Leann, called “Lioncloak”
Ser Darryl Hallfyre, the Knight of Tyrosh, “Black of Blood”
Joshua the Arcane, sworn to House Blackwood, wielder of the ancestral Weirwood bow “Dark Wing”
Ser John Webster, Blood of the Dragon, Master of Film Criticism and Lord Commander of the Knights of Keira
Red Ryan Ravenwood, the White Knight of Blackwood
Mage Marmot
Basilisk Jack Liston
Ser Grundel, Master of the Taint Lands
Tywin with Tits
Lady Jenny of House Rubybird, “The Future Shines”
Kelsey of House Groom, “We Do Not Negotiate with Terriers”
Lady Dyanna
Dan the Good
Kat of the Murrumbidgee
Ryan Goodwin, Knight of Winter, wielder of the Valyrian steel longsword “Winters Kiss”
Ser Brienne, a Pug of the Seven Kingdoms
Ser Daven Mac, Knight of the Reeds, the Bog-Knight
Wildling Chef
Molly the Greenmaker of Highgarden, Seeker of Hidden Heart Trees and Friend to Animals
Ser Ryan of House McGowan of Everett, “We Drive Out the Darkness”
Ser Zeke of House Boyat, The Knight of the Maple Tree
Ser Ashton the Dim of House Seaworth
Dan “The Iron Banker” Koifman “We Do Not Sue”
Ser Swyft the Peppered Knight from the House of Black and Gray
Commander Coupe – Master of Ships
Narcosis ‘Wetstar’ Dayne, wielder of Dawn’s little sisters, First and Light, a matching pair of meteorite karambits
Mance Resl, the Terracottan Sun of the North
Ser Billy Roddy, Knight of the North, and Breaker of Horses
Nascentnovice, perpetual student of the Citadel. Someday he might get that first link
Lydia, Mother of Frenchies, Breaker of Chairs
Ser Devin Snow, the Wolf Tamer, Shadow of the Wolfswood
Captain Erin Gray, the Light in the Fog
Royce Arryn, the Bronze Falcon of the Vale
Ser Dumpstyr of House Raccoon. Sigil is a fat black and silver raccoon on a gray field. Words: “GIMME“
Thwartediope of the North, greenseer and cat herder
Loose Bolton, Mechanic Of Westeros
Willow of the Northern Woods, who grows among the weirwoods
The Dancing Dragon1976
Mattheus the Blood Bringer
Queen Kimmehameha of House Namek, rider of Shenron and Defender of the Dragon Balls
Lady Lorris
Paden the Tall. Rumored to be the great great grandsire of Sir Duncan the Tall. Hedge Knight of any land that will have him. Sigil made by himself, a grey wolf sleeping beneath a green hedge on an orange shield. Known by locals as a the wandering knight, never to stay long but always to make an impression!
Ser Brutus The Devoted
Ser John of House Taxator, “No Unfinished Business”
Conan the Targaryen
TyTy Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone & Son of Daenerys
The Black Scorpion of Dorne
Myles Hill, the Bastard of Four Beasts
Ser Aron Dayne, the Knight of Ice and Sand aka “Northstar”
Laird Beric of House Shepard, the Hound of the Lighting Tree, “The Shining Skies”
Members of the Night’s HoWatch
Lord Commander Richard the Ligerheart, wielder of “Barry’s Ankle Breaker” a flail with blue and silver Valyrian steel spikes, motto: “Go Blue”
Ser Cobi of House Stonesmith returns. “Words are Wind, Deeds are Stone” – Legitimate grandson of the Bastard of Runestone
First Steward Ser Zakk of House Wylde, Lord Shredder of the Spiral, Wielder of the Valyrian Steel Axe “Grail”
Cristofer, Ward of the Wild
Icelance, aka Lord Oatbag
Hedge Knight Ser Anthony III – Morose and Drunk on the Dock of White Harbor
JoJo Lady Dayne of Dunstanburgh, The Frost Giants Daughter
Barbara the Boneless, Spearwife of the Freefolk
Jhorda Flametongue, the Persuader
Iron Tom Storm, the Bastard of Breakwater
Lady Stephaniel, the Crimson Cat of Castamere
Isak, Walker of the Ghost Grass
Ann Flowers, Secret Reader of the Citadel
Lady Ashanna “Morning Glory” of Starfall
Jeremy Flowers – Proprietor of the Mummer Troupe “Oldtown Funk”
Ser Adam Whitehead of The Atlas of Ice and Fire Blog
Julia of Tarth, called “the Violet Sapphire”
Lady Nym, Scion of the Greenblood
Bob Snow, the Bastard of Last Hearth
Fatdunky, the Fat Pink Mast
Dan of House OMS
Lady Sarah, Keeper of Naath’s Butterflies & Wielder of the Red Valyrian Pen
John the Poet Warrior of House Hewitt “We Don’t Camp”
Matthew Snow, illegitimate heir to the Emerald Isle, wielder of House Blackmont’s sacred Valyrian steel blade “Darkheart”
Maven Marie Courtnay, “In the Know”
Ser Jayson of House Helfrich, Keeper of the Grove w/his direcats Arya & Nymeria
Lady Penelope Dane, Keeper of the Great Hounds of Dane, “Great Danes, Great Dogs”
Lady Kaffee Stark, Curator of the Winterfell Glass Gardens, Cultivator of the Winter Roses
Ser Eff the Show
Carol of The House of Black and White and Red All Over
Ser Banjo, Knight of the Blue Grass, “Thumbs Aloft”
Lyanna of House Ensom, Wolfswood Wanderer
Lady Steph of House Dayne, Mistress of Secrets and Whispers, wielder of the Valyrian steel long sword “Red Star”
Ser Alex The Talladega Knight “You’re Either First or Last”
Niko Jho, called the Black Shaft
Nova Sand, the Bastard of Starfall
Lydia the Greenseer
Brittany, Mother of Bath Bombs
Julia the Paige of Tampania, Guardian of the Lightning Lake, “See Us Strike”
Lady Stephanie of House Serdika, the Mother of Gooses
Jinx of House Lierre, Green Queen of the Rainwood, rumored daughter of a woods witch, rider of Irogenia: a sylphic albino dragon with amethyst eyes & opalescent wings
Lady Grace, Protector of the Byrd Nest
Lord Stuart of House la Croix, Bringer of Rain & Master of the Darkest Knowledge
Lady Leah of House Mickley, “This is How We Roll”
Kseniya Stonespear, Striker from Afar
Ed Snow, aka Ned the Knife, the Bastard of White Harbor
Mischon the Melodious, Star of Oldtown, “Minds Over Masters”
Ser Katherine the Colorful of House Amelia, “Vivid Living“
Becca the Bard, Songbird of the North
John of the Willows, wielder of Thorne, an ancient runic bronze dagger
Andrew Hogsbane of the Blue Stone Spire
Lady Ines of House Sunflower, keeper of Sacred Woodlands
Ser Henning of Turtle Meadow, sworn to House Estermont
Jaime’s Girl, Defender of the Kingslayer as the Best Character
Crannogwoman at Greywater Watch
Girls Gone Canon
Ser Seanathan of House Gough, the Knight of Pusillanimity
Derri the Bigg of Anfield, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”
Guinevere Greenstones
High Liztess of Whimbus
Dan the Good
Sherlock Homo
Lady Coley of the Island Long
Treacherous Wendy
Ser Mason the Red Ranger, aka Cold Killer
Black Cleopatra
Deric Bongdarrian (The Lightin’ Lord)
Tashasa the Thornbearer of Tyrosh
Dolorous Lady Dayne
Cat O’Vivas
Kora Sand, called Kora the Killer, the Bastard of Skyreach
Gwen the Green, Chief Watcher of White Harbor, “Peace Through Steel”
Lady Aemy Blackfyre, Analyzer of Eastern symbolism, Lover of Polls, and Dismantler of the Patriarchy
Lady Zelderys Silvarion, “Linked in Silver, Sealed in Blood”
Lady Rohanne, the Lioness of Ehrendal
Ser Yeshua of the Green Cape
Sigga Stark, The Cavern Scout
Luca of House Heron, Master of the Marsh, “The Moat Will Stand Again”
Joshua of House Blackthorn, “The Bite Behind the Rose”
Shayne the Rogue Prince
Alden Storm, Bastard of Shipbreaker Bay
Stella Bray
Monroe Q, Beacon of Vigilance
Dwayne Dayne
Eamon Sand, the Bastard of Starfall, called “Longsun”
Quaithe Seastar
Justin Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell, called “Nightblue”
Kari the Cunning, Wolfswood Huntress
Koh Darren, Bloodstone warrior of Tiqui
Saera of House Martell, Gem of the Women
Kienn, Druid Guardian of Queen Ysera The Dreamer
Lady Raella Blackfyre, Mistress of Fyrefall
Ser Matthew the Frost Knight, Guardian of the Northern Rockies
Lomas Knightrider, Survivor of the Yeen Sleepover, Wielder of the Oily Black Stone Scythe
Ser Douglas of House Dubois, Lord of the Shaky Isles
Achala of the House Black, wielder of the Secret Flame
Lady Raella Blackfyre, Mistress of Fyrefall
Lord Abraxas
Jon of House Gardner
Bip Targaryen, The Smallest Dragonrider
Ser Andrew, Knight of the Triangle
Estel, Ladyknight of Bear Island
Helioma, known as “The Cougher”
Ser Marq Manderly, the Meager Merman
Grand Maester Liam Mullen
Edgar, the Fell Omen
Coy the Careless
Lady Una of House Ruth
Sir Mac the Knife
Lady Lindsey Greenleaf, Archer of the Brownswood, called Lady Longshot
Freya the Loyal, Who stands by the Starks
Lady Nicole who Dreams under Weirwoods
Chara of House Krypton
Lady Peg of House Bundy
Ser Colin of House Paradee, The Blade of the Green Mountains. Wielder of the Valyrian steel sword “Northern Memory” and its companion, a Valyrian steel spear known as “Night Chaser” . Our House words are “Our Memory Is Sharp”.
Sam the Smooth of House Bentwood. We lean slightly to the left.
Daring Drew Ironhammer, Engineer of the Wall
Maester Yisenya, whose humor is cheesy, but not their diet!
Em the Builder
Kristine of House Panthera
Sworn Shields
Javi Marcos of Podcast de Hielo y Fuego
Westeros Indonesia
Ser Ran Witt of Pennytree
Karen of House Stargane
Lydia the Greenseer
Lady Sparkle at the Edge of the Continent
Thicket, Child of the Forest
Ser Roger the Knight Cook
Andrew of the Wolfswood, Emissary of the North
QueenCerseiReal (Political Satire here)
“Slickdick” Matthos Snow, the Bastard of Greywater
Vanek Rivers, the Bastard of the Banks
Katie of Leavsenheir Hill
Ser Jakob of House Dane
Lina the Lightbearer of House Whitefoot
Ser Scott Green, the Astro-Knight of House Tully
Krista the Cunning, “First and Last”
Mary of House Frumious, Keeper of the Library in the Trees
Ser Arne of House Thorlacius “Family is Duty”
The Red Diva
Mother of Tribbles
Jon of Knoxville, Prince of Sunsphere, wielder of the twin Valyrian Steel daggers, “Viper’s Fangs”
Sal of House Catch, “Ours is the Story”
Ser Michael of House Nightsky, the Sword of the Darkness, “We Don’t Fear The Night”
Erin, Lady of the Long Desert
Lady Anna of House Dargan, “Family is All”
Lady Erika of the Tidewater
Ser M’lady Kaabes
Ser Michael
Daring Drew, the Black Axe of House Lykins
Simini, Wanderer of Westeros. Known for her copper hair, her weirwood mandolin, and her strange, dusky dagger…but who is she?
Maester Teresa of House Oddly, the Gong-fighter, Wild Wolf of the Yi Tis
Tiffany the Tamer, No Task too Tall
Matti the Multifaceted, banned from the Citadel yet called Maester Matti
Dannagahyde, Lord of Hook Creek
Replacement Level Fan
Plus many unnamed supporters who prefer to be anonymous. Thanks to you as well.