By Length Not kept up to date! [table] Minutes Episode 16 Bonus: Come-Into-My-Castle (spoilers) (video only) 25 Bonus: The Wit & Wisdom of Stannis Baratheon (spoilers) 31 Bonus: Skagos (spoilers) 44 History: The Dance of the Dragons (spoiler free) (audio only) 50 Bonus: The Hellhorn (spoilers) 62 History: House Tyrell (spoiler free) (audio only) 63 History: Oldtown & The Citadel (spoiler free) 66 Analysis: The Princess & the Queen excerpt (spoilers) 66 History: Golden Company & War of the Ninepenny Kings (spoiler free) (audio only) 73 History: The Night’s Watch (spoiler free) (audio only) 83 History: Varys & Illyrio (spoiler free) 89 The Winds of Winter: The Battle of Fire (mega-spoilers) 90 TV Discussion: The Red Wedding (spoiler free) (audio only) 91 History: Houses Lannister & Baratheon (spoiler free) (audio only) 93 History: The Iron Islands (spoiler free) (audio only) 94 History: The Riverlands Part 2 (spoiler free) 95 History: The Kingsguard (spoiler free) 100 History: Clegane, Payne, Cassel, Mormont, Tarly (spoiler free) 104 Plots: The Riverlands Part 3 (spoilers) 105 Plots: The Night’s Watch (spoilers) (audio only) 105 History: House Martell (spoiler free) (audio only) 108 Plots: House Martell (spoilers) 108 History: House Stark (spoiler free) (audio only) 111 The Winds of Winter: Dornish Preview Chapter (mega-spoilers) 113 Plots: Varys & Illyrio (spoilers) 113 Plots: House Stark (spoilers) (audio only) 118 Analysis: The Lands of Ice & Fire (spoiler free) (audio only) 119 Plots: House Tyrell (spoilers) (audio only) 119 Book Discussion: Jon Snow (spoilers) (audio only) 122 History/Plots: Slaver’s Bay (spoilers) (video only) 125 Plots: Oldtown & The Citadel (spoilers) 125 History/Plots: House Frey (1st half spoiler free) 127 History: The Riverlands Part 1 (spoiler free) 136 History/Plots: House Bolton (1st half spoiler free) (first video episode) [/table]